How we can keep our mind & body in state of Equilibrium

What is Equilibrium state of Mind &Body :-

First of all we must know about the state of Equilibrium what it is ?  For this  take a rod of metal and simply put it on two end supports . At this stage there is no force or pressure on it . At this stage we can say that the metal rod is in equilibrium . Then apply some force or pressure uniformly distributed  on this metal rod and start increasing slowly the stage will come when this metal rod or beam just starts bending . This is the load it can bear without deforming . So this is the state of Equilibrium . So up to the stage the metal rod is free of deformation it is in the state of Equilibrium .

When we transfer this phenomenon to human body ,we can say that our mind and body can resist the internal and external pressure up to some extent after that the damages to the body start occuring in the form of disease and result will be that the fitness of body and mind gets disturbed and energy level goes  down thus glow of the face seems to be absent . 

So from the above example it is very much clear that equilibrium of mind and body is necessarily required for healthy and happy life .

How to achieve the state of equilibrium for better health & happiness  :-

As we discussed above to achieve the state of equilibrium for better health and happiness there are some guidelines and rules given in ancient books of Ayurveda by our Rishis  on our food , yoga , when to get up in morning ,when to sleep , how practise breathing techniques and about thinking and thoughts and by practising these better results have been seen . 

In this article we shall only discuss  the breathing techniques for achieving equilibrium state of mind and body .

 Deep Breathing for relaxing Mind & Body

It is generally seen that when  we have some tension ,we have some anger  or scared our nerves and muscles get tightened , blood pressure gets raised and breathing becomes  shallow . At such moments it is experienced that  the required amount of oxygen is not reaching in our blood  . 

On the other hand when we take long deep breaths the whole process gets reversed mind and body feels good ,cool and calm .

         Posture inhalation of deep breathing 

The reason for this coolness and relaxation  is that when we take deep breaths the body releases happiness hormones known as endorphins  , which are created within the body .

When we do yoga and physical exercise endorphins are released in our body which results to release the stress and we achieve the state of satisfaction , equilibrium hence the happiness . The neurochemicals known as endorphins  cause happiness when we do good and hard work out .

    Deep breathing posture results happiness 

My personal experiences on deep breathing are very much fruitful . Let us share my personal experience on deep breathing .One week ago I was not feeling well and uneasiness and mild headache was there . So in such circumstances instead of taking some medicine I thought to experiment effects of slow & deep breathing techniques upon myself .

I positioned myself in shavashna posture and started slow and deep breathing ,inhale -stop - exhale and started counting number of breaths with eyes closed and mind thought less . 

The experiment started at 1-20 pm and continued till 2-0 Pm . This 40 minutes slow and deep breathing technique ,slow deep inhale-stop & exhale , the total count was 87 breaths . The counting may be different in any individual case as per capacity . This means 2.175 breathings per minute . After the completion of 40 minutes slow and deep breathing technique , the effects I noticed were amazing , the headache that I was feeling was no more . The energy level was boosted and there was a glow on my face and I was feeling happy . So this way the state of equilibrium is achieved .

Slow & deep breathing is key to relax the mind and body.

So the technique of slow and deep breathing has amazing benefits to lead happy , disease free long life . Every on must practise this technique to keep the mind and body in equilibrium for attaining happiness in life .
